National Council on Environment and Sustainable Development
Name: National Council on Environment and Sustainable Development (Conselhos Nacionais de Desenvolvimento Sustentável, CNADS)
Established in: 1997 (The National Council for the Environment and the Sustainable Development / CNADS was set up by decree law no. 221/97. It was later reinforced, and its members increased by decree law no. 134/2004 of 3 June).
Role: CNADS is an independent body that aims to advise Government members responsible for the environment and sustainable development, public entities and NGOs on all matters associated with the environment and sustainable development. It is also a forum for debate and the design and implementation of environmental and sustainable development policies.
Duties: The Council is tasked to: scrutinise government policy; create government policy (including the National Sustainable Development Strategy, NSDS); make policy recommendations; facilitate stakeholder engagement to promote the engagement of civil society organisations in sustainable development issues.
Composition: CNADS is a multi-stakeholder council that has 34 Council Members. Members are designated by central and regional governments and by civil society, including NGOs, local administration, universities, business and trade unions. In addition, there are 8 members designated in their personal capacity by the Central Government, 2 members appointed by the Regional Governments of Açores and Madeira and 2 others designated by Local Administration.
The secretariat: the CNADS has a secretariat that includes 4 staff members.